PHOTOS: 70th anniversary of D-Day June 6, 1944
June 3, 2014
General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the order of the day, "Full victory - nothing else," to paratroopers somewhere in England, just before they boarded their airplanes to participate in the first assault in the invasion of the continent of Europe, June 6, 1944. (AP Photo/U.S. Army Signal Corps Photo) ( EISENHOWER PREPS TROOPS )
Art Brooks and other members of the 320th battalion gather for a photograph June 5, 1944, the morning before D-Day with an anti-aircraft barrage balloon. (Art Brooks obit photo) ( obit.JPG )
Beach in France before D-Day, June 6, 1944 What he was up against--Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, recalling the day before D-Day: "Since the Germans had filled the beaches with terrible obstacles, steel traps of every king and had mined them to make them even more difficult to remove, we had to have low water, low tide that would give us time to clear the obstacles or at least pile through them so our landing craft could come in." This photo dramatically shows what he was worried about. Denver Post Library photo archive ( img0026B )
Members of an American armored unit at a Marshalling are "somewhere in England" on June 6, 1944, are briefed by their commanding officer prior to receiving their "D-Day" assignments. (AP Photo) ( WWII France D-Day )
Glider borne troops crossing the Channel ships of the Royal Navy on June 6, 1944. In the background are the battleships Warspite and Ramillies. (AP Photo) ( WWII France D-Day )
Barrage balloons are used for aerial protection as part of the invasion fleet, carrying men and supplies move across the channel towards the French invasion coast. .(AP Photo /Peter Carroll ) ( WWII Europe France D-Day Invasion )
Allied ships are attacked by German fighters June 6, 1944 as the largest massed assault of World War II begins to land men and supplies on the coast of northern France. (FILES/AFP/Getty Images) ( SAWH990624654330 )
American Paratroopers fly over the English Channel enroute to play a key role in the invasion of France, June 6, 1944, by landing along a 100 mile front of the Normandy coast. (AP Photo/U.S. SIgnal Corps, Handout) ( PARATROOPERS FLY TO FRANCE )
A long line of LST or Landing Ship-Tanks, each towing a protective barrage balloon, are seen heading away from the English coast carrying supplies to the French beachhead June 6, 1944. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) ( dave23/first/sww/dd1/04893 )
American soldiers on an invasion craft during the D-Day landings June 6, 1944. (Photo by PNA Rota/Getty Images) ( 97q/26/huty/7345/7345/02 )
Men and assault vehicles storm the beach as Allied landing craft reach their destination during the initial Normandy landing operations in France, on June 6, 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII D-DAY NORMANDY INVASION )
U.S. paratroopers fix their static lines for a jump before dawn over Normandy, France on D-Day, in this June 6, 1944 file photo. (AP Photo/Army Signal Corps, File) ( D-DAY ANNIVERSARY )
US troops landing in northern France on D-Day, June 6, 1944. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images) ( J64618101 )
American soldiers and supplies arrive on the shore of the French coast of German-occupied Normandy during the Allied D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944 in World War II. (AP Photo) ( WWII U.S. D DAY LANDING )
U.S. infantrymen wade through the surf as they land at Normandy in the days following the Allies' June 1944, D-Day invasion of occupied France. An allied ship loaded with supplies and reinforcements waits on the horizon. (AP Photo/Bert Brandt) ( WWII NORMANDY INVASION )
US assault troops approach Utah Beach in a barge, 06 June 1944 as Allied forces storm the Normand beaches on D-Day. D-Day, is still one of the world's most gut-wrenching and consequential battles, as the Allied landing in Normandy led to the liberation of France which marked the turning point in the Western theater of World War II. STF/AFP/Getty Images ( FRANCE-WWII-DDAY-LANDING )
The 15-inch guns of warspite shelling German invasion coast positions on the Normandy coast on June 6, 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII France D-Day )
While under attack of heavy machine gun fire from the German coastal defense forces, these American soldiers wade ashore off the ramp of a U.S. Coast Guard landing craft, June 6, 1944, during the Allied landing operations at the Normandy. (AP Photo) ( WWII D-DAY INVASION OF NORMANDY )
Carrying full equipment, American assault troops move onto a beachhead code-named Omaha Beach, on the northern coast of France, in this June 6, 1944 file photo, during the Allied invasion of the Normandy coast. (AP Photo) ( D-DAY BLOODY OMAHA )
A U.S. Coast Guard landing barge, tightly packed with helmeted soldiers, approaches the shore at Normandy, France, during initial Allied landing operations, in this June 6, 1944 file photo.(AP Photo, File) ( D-DAY ANNIVERSARY )
Under the cover of naval shell fire, American infantrymen wade ashore from their landing craft during the initial Normandy landing operations in France, June 6, 1944. (AP Photo/Peter Carroll) ( WWII D-DAY NORMANDY INVASION )
In this June 6, 1944 file picture, some of the first assault troops to hit the Normandy, France beachhead take cover behind enemy obstacles to fire on German forces as others follow the first tanks plunging through the water towards the German-held shore during World War II. (AP Photo) ( World War II D-Day Anniversary )
Commandos of the British Army rest on the beach after D-Day at Normandy, France, on June 7, 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII BRITISH ARMY NORMANDY )
A U.S. Coast Guard LCI, heavily listing to port, moves alongside a transport ship to evacuate her troops, during the initial Normandy landing operations in France, on June 6, 1944. Moments later the craft will capsize and sink. Note that helmeted infantrymen, with full packs, are all standing to starboard side of the ship. (AP Photo) ( WWII D-DAY NORMANDY INVASION )
Canadian soldiers land on Courseulles beach in Normandy, June 6, 1944 as Allied forces storm the Normandy beaches on D-Day. (STF/AFP/Getty Images) ( SAPA990401371810 )
In this photo provided by the British Navy, wounded British troops from the South Lancashire and Middlesex regiments are being helped ashore at Sword Beach, June 6, 1944, during the D-Day invasion of German occupied France during World War II. (AP Photo/British Navy) ( WWII BRITISH D-DAY LANDING )
A first wave beach battalion Ducks lays low under the fire of Nazi guns on the beach of southern France on D-Day, June 6, 1944 during World War II. One invader operates a walkie talkie radio directing other landing craft to the safest spots for unloading their parties of fighting men. (AP Photo) ( D-DAY INVASION NORMANDY )
German prisoners of war are led away by Allied forces from Utah Beach, on June 6, 1944, during landing operations at the Normandy coast, France. (AP Photo) ( WWII D-DAY NAZI GERMAN POW )
Canadian troops in landing crafts approach a stretch of coastline code-named Juno Beach, near Bernieres-sur-mer, as the Allied Normandy invasion gets under way, on June 6, 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII CANADIAN TROOPS D-DAY )
Members of an American landing unit help their exhausted comrades ashore during the Normandy invasion, June 6, 1944. The men reached the zone code-named Utah Beach, near Sainte Mere Eglise, on a life raft after their landing craft was hit and sunk by German coastal defenses. (AP Photo) ( WWII D-DAY INVASION OF NORMANDY )
Allied forces camp out in fox holes, caves and tents on this hillside overlooking the beach at Normandy, France, during the D-Day invasion in World War II. (AP Photo/Bede Irvin) ( WWII ALLIED TROOPS NORMANDY )
Men and assault vehicles storm the Normandy Beach of France, as allied landing craft arrive at their destination on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Note men coming ashore in surf and vehicles starting inland. (AP Photo) ( Allies Storm Normandy Beach )
Off the British coast, this huge fleet of warships, transports and landing craft awaits the signal to get underway for the allied invasion of Northern France, June 6, 1944. (AP Photo) ( Troops Prepare For D-Day Invasion )
Fully equipped, and each carring large amounts of ammunition, American troops climb aboard a landing craft somewhere in England for the cross-channel invasion of France June 6, 1944. Other landing crafts are seen in background. (AP Photo) ( Americans Prepare For D-Day Invasion )
U.S. troops disembark from landing crafts during D-Day 06 June 1944 after Allied forces stormed the Normandy beaches. D-Day, 06 June 1944 is still one of the world's most gut-wrenching and consequential battles, as the Allied landing in Normandy led to the liberation of France which marked the turning point in the Western theater of World War II. AFP PHOTO-/AFP/Getty Images ( 530238999 )
6th June 1944: Taken on D-Day, the fields of Northern France are covered with Waco gliders of the Ninth Air force Troop Carrier Command, whilst other gliders prepare to land, whilst Douglas C 47 glider tugs leave the area. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) ( dave23/first/sww/dd1/04858 )
Ducks (amphibious trucks) and a half-track follow foot troops ashore during the invasion of Normandy on a 100-mile front along the French coast by allied forces on June 6, 1944. This was a turning point for the Allies in World War II, known as D-Day. (AP Photo) ( D-DAY INVASION )
U.S. reinforcements wade through the surf as they land at Normandy in the days following the Allies' June 1944, D-Day invasion of occupied France. (AP Photo) ( WWII ALLIED INVASION NORMANDY )
U.S. reinforcements wade through the surf as they land at Normandy in the days following the Allies' June 1944, D-Day invasion of occupied France. (AP Photo/Peter Carroll) ( WWII ALLIED INVASION NORMANDY )
After landing at the shore, these British troops wait for the signal to move forward, during the initial Allied landing operations in Normandy, France, June 6, 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII D-DAY NORMANDY INVASION )
Sitting in the cover of their foxholes, American soldiers of the Allied Expeditionary Force secure a beachhead during initial landing operations at Normandy, France, June 6, 1944. In the background amphibious tanks and other equipment crowd the beach, while landing craft bring more troops and material ashore. (AP Photo/Weston Haynes) ( WWII D-DAY NORMANDY INVASION )
Wreckage and dead strewn along the beach, a grim reminder of the fury let loose on the Normandy beaches on D-Day in France, on June 20, 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII France Allied Invasion )
Men of the American assault troops of the 16th Infantry Regiment, injured while storming a coastal area code-named Omaha Beach during the Allied invasion of the Normandy, wait by the chalk cliffs at Collville-sur-Mer for evacuation to a field hospital for further treatment, in this June 6, 1944 file photo. (AP Photo, File) ( D-DAY ANNIVERSARY )
Canadian soldiers from 9th Brigade land June 6, 1944 with their bicycles at Juno Beach in Bernieres-sur-Mer during D-Day while Allied forces are storming the Normandy beaches. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images) ( SAPA990402375340 )
Allied troops disembark from landing crafts during D-Day June 6, 1944 after Allied forces stormed the Normandy beaches. AFP PHOTO (/AFP/Getty Images) ( PAR2004051993942 )
U.S. soldiers from the 2nd Ranger Battalion surround German prisoners June 6, 1944 on the Pointe du Hoc located on a cliff which overlooks Omaha Beach after Allied forces stormed the Normandy beaches during D-Day. Elements of the 2nd Ranger Battalion scaled the 100 foot cliff and seized the German artillery pieces that could have fired on the Allied forces landing at Omaha Beach. ( -/AFP/Getty Images) ( PAR2004051993952 )
A tribute to an unknown American soldier, who lost his life fighting in the landing operations of the Allied Forces, marks the sand of Normandy's shore, in June 1944. (AP Photo) ( WWII INVASION OF NORMANDY )
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